• Posted by campaspe
This recipe uses an unexpected ingredient : red cooked beets, giving to this cake a very soft texture. The result is delicious.
This recipe uses an unexpected ingredient : red cooked beets, giving to this cake a very soft texture. The result is delicious.
Warm the oven to 180°C. Mix the cooked beets to obtain a puree( you can add some cooking water if needed) Add in the mixer the egg yolks, 200g sugar and the cocoa.
Pour the obtained mixture in a bowl. Mix the bakig powder and the flour and add it in the bowl. Beat the egg whites and add them in the bowl. Put in a buttered mold and let cook 40 mn. Test by pushing a knife in the cake. It must come out clean.
Let cool. Mix the raspberries in 100g beet water with the remaining 10grams sugar and the agar agar poder. Bring to boiling. Pour slowly on the cake.
You can decorate the cake with cookies cut out in shortbread dough.