Beeswax Food Wraps

Eco-friendly reusable wraps for food. Cotton cloth is coated with a pre-mixed blend of beeswax, pine resin, and jojoba/coconut oils

Posted by aufildesjours


There are many DIY tutorials on line and even one here on CO+K. My preferred tutorial is from Mountain Rose Herbs.

I used meltable bars that contain all the necessary ingredients, pre-combined in the right proportions. The two sellers I have used are:
• Jenny Joy's Handmade Soap (who also include some wonderful and very effective hand salve to help keep the wax off your fingers)
• Kentucky Home--Our Essential Living


You Will Need (9 things)

  • 100 % Cotton Fabric
  • Iron
  • Beeswax blend
  • Pinking Shears or use straight blade if you prefer
  • Double Boiler a wide mouth mason jar inside a saucepan will do
  • Parchment Paper
  • 5 cm Paintbrush suggest cheap brushes which you then keep for wrap making
  • 2 or more large Baking Tray suggest cheap trays which you then keep for wrap making: it's near impossible to clean off the wax blend
  • Wire Coat Hangers or a thin clothesline

Steps (12 steps, 90 minutes)

  1. 1

    Read the Mountain Rose Herbs tutorial
    to understand all the finer points, how to care for your wraps, and more.

  2. 2

    Wash and iron fabric, and cut to desired sizes.

  3. 3

    Preheat oven to 300° F.

  4. 4

    Melt wax blend in a double boiler.

  5. 5

    Lay a piece of fabric on parchment-covered baking tray.

  6. 6

    Paint wax onto fabric.

  7. 7

    Place tray in oven for a few minutes, until wax is melted in. Remove and check for bare spots.

  8. 8

    If needed, brush on more wax and return to oven.

  9. 9

    Repeat step 8 as needed.

  10. 10

    Place fabric on hanger/line to cool and dry for a few minutes.

  11. 11

    Repeat steps 5-10 for each piece of fabric.

  12. 12

    After a year or so of use, the wax tends to wear out. You can renew your wraps (or any store-bought ones you have) by repeating the process.