• Posted by Cheryl H.
My goal was to have movement on a cake. Keeping it simple, constructed behive shaped cake with K'nex motor & parts up through the middle to fly the bees around the cake. Motor was bottom mounted in a piece of Styrofoam as a base and attached K'NEX plastic shaft slipped through a piece of pvc pipe set vertically in the middle of the cake. With a flip of the battery powered motor the bees fly!
My goal was to have movement on a cake. Keeping it simple, constructed behive shaped cake with K'nex motor & parts up through the middle to fly the bees around the cake. Motor was bottom mounted in a piece of Styrofoam as a base and attached K'NEX plastic shaft slipped through a piece of pvc pipe set vertically in the middle of the cake. With a flip of the battery powered motor the bees fly!