• Posted by Cat Morley
Grab a sheet of paper and a black marker pen.
Start by drawing a circle for the nose.
Add two half circles above the nose for eyes.
Add two dots for the pupils.
Add two curly lines above the eyes for eyebrows.
Add two squiggles at either side of for her cheeks.
Connect the cheeks with a curved line for the upper lip.
Add a second curved line below for the bottom lip.
Add a tongue.
Fill in the black of the mouth.
Sketch two cat ears above the head.
Draw in the shape of the face, remembering not to add extra ears.
Draw in some spiky hair.
Sketch in the hair over the face.
Add a little chin below the mouth.
Draw in a mask around the eyes.
Add two lines below the head for her neck.
Draw a collar.
Draw the shape of the body by adding two lines at either side.
Sketch in her top and arms.
Add some Beano style stripes to her top and fill in the black.
Fill in the other stripes and the tongue with red pen.
Shade in the hair with a brown ben.
Add highlights using light brown or orange.
You're done!