Cut Out + Keep

Beano Style Crafterella

How-to draw Crafterella in the style of the Beano • Posted by Cat Morley

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Nice & Simple
Medium 114638 2f2016 07 05 130530 img 0818 Medium 114638 2f2016 07 05 134016 img 0817



  1. Small 114638 2f2016 07 05 130632 img 0789

    Grab a sheet of paper and a black marker pen.

  2. Small 114638 2f2016 07 05 130635 img 0791

    Start by drawing a circle for the nose.

  3. Small 114638 2f2016 07 05 131641 img 0792

    Add two half circles above the nose for eyes.

  4. Small 114638 2f2016 07 05 132137 img 0793

    Add two dots for the pupils.

  5. Small 114638 2f2016 07 05 132157 img 0794

    Add two curly lines above the eyes for eyebrows.

  6. Small 114638 2f2016 07 05 132217 img 0795

    Add two squiggles at either side of for her cheeks.

  7. Small 114638 2f2016 07 05 132303 img 0796

    Connect the cheeks with a curved line for the upper lip.

  8. Small 114638 2f2016 07 05 132318 img 0797

    Add a second curved line below for the bottom lip.

  9. Small 114638 2f2016 07 05 132333 img 0798

    Add a tongue.

  10. Small 114638 2f2016 07 05 132344 img 0799

    Fill in the black of the mouth.

  11. Small 114638 2f2016 07 05 132357 img 0800

    Sketch two cat ears above the head.

  12. Small 114638 2f2016 07 05 132438 img 0803

    Draw in the shape of the face, remembering not to add extra ears.

  13. Small 114638 2f2016 07 05 132448 img 0804

    Draw in some spiky hair.

  14. Small 114638 2f2016 07 05 134008 img 0805

    Sketch in the hair over the face.

  15. Small 114638 2f2016 07 05 132520 img 0806

    Add a little chin below the mouth.

  16. Small 114638 2f2016 07 05 132535 img 0807

    Draw in a mask around the eyes.

  17. Small 114638 2f2016 07 05 132553 img 0808

    Add two lines below the head for her neck.

  18. Small 114638 2f2016 07 05 132607 img 0809

    Draw a collar.

  19. Small 114638 2f2016 07 05 132617 img 0810

    Draw the shape of the body by adding two lines at either side.

  20. Small 114638 2f2016 07 05 132642 img 0811

    Sketch in her top and arms.

  21. Small 114638 2f2016 07 05 132657 img 0812

    Add some Beano style stripes to her top and fill in the black.

  22. Small 114638 2f2016 07 05 132809 img 0814

    Fill in the other stripes and the tongue with red pen.

  23. Small 114638 2f2016 07 05 132720 img 0813

    Shade in the hair with a brown ben.

  24. Small 114638 2f2016 07 05 132741 img 0816

    Add highlights using light brown or orange.

  25. Small 114638 2f2016 07 05 132828 img 0817

    You're done!