Cut Out + Keep

Beaded Collier

Beaded collier using little tubes • Posted by Laurina-Helena

My own design. I'm pretty proud of it, actually. I took some time to figure out how to make the tube part. And the clasp isn't that pretty, but hey, if I have my hair down you can't see it anyway! Maybe I will make a how-to for this later, if I feel like making it later. *I made a how-to! Yay! Hopefully it's understandable. Tell me what you think of it!

You will need

Project Budget


1 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium zebra  close Medium zebra


My own design. I'm pretty proud of it, actually. I took some time to figure out how to make the tube part. And the clasp isn't that pretty, but hey, if I have my hair down you can't see it anyway! Maybe I will make a how-to for this later, if I feel like making it later. *I made a how-to! Yay! Hopefully it's understandable. Tell me what you think of it!


  1. First: Planning I laid all the beads out to see how they would look together. This is an important step! You don't want to find out they look bad together after you have already strung them all to the thread.

  2. Then take out the plastic elastic thread. Measure around your neck and cut. You need two strands. I think it would be easiest to close one of the ends first. I didn't do that since I didn't know how long it would be. The beaded part of my collier is 23 cm long.

  3. Small beaded collier 2 1319039194

    Start beading. After 5cm comes the hardest part.

  4. Small beaded collier 1319039422

    Here you can see how to do the tube part. Click on the picture to enlarge. The red line is the thin plastic thread. You go through a seed bead on the elastic thread first, then add a tube bead, then go around the other elastic thread, go through the same tube bead and go through the next seed bead. Repeat. At the ends of the thread you simply knot them to the elastic thread and hide the ends by pulling them through a few seed beads.

  5. Start beading again as in step 3.

  6. Now close the end and add a clasp. Done!