Cut Out + Keep

Bead It Up ( ... Cool Down)

Takes forever, but when the sun hits the rainbow and blinds everyone around you... so worth it :^) • Posted by Hissyfits ///_^

Well... you have to sort the beads first of course... There's no getting around that one. And then carefully -one-by-one- sewing them on... you can't go without that one either... But then later... when it's finished... and your beading gets hit by a ray of sunshine... you'll love it again and you wonder how you would ever be angry at it :)

You will need

Project Budget


3 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium mypicture 1272703666 Medium mypicture 1272703698 Medium mypicture 1272703711


Well... you have to sort the beads first of course... There's no getting around that one. And then carefully -one-by-one- sewing them on... you can't go without that one either... But then later... when it's finished... and your beading gets hit by a ray of sunshine... you'll love it again and you wonder how you would ever be angry at it :)
