• Posted by Nikki G.
This is my second bead embroidery project. I didn't use a pattern of something, I used started sewing on some beads. Good luck and enjoy!
This is my second bead embroidery project. I didn't use a pattern of something, I used started sewing on some beads. Good luck and enjoy!
First of all, choose a fabric to sew on the beads I used black fabric, that was originally the band of a bag. I think a luggage strap will also work well! Mesure it on your wrist and make it a bit bigger, so you can fold and sew around the edges
I used a sew-on push-button to make the bracelet wearable. It's the perfect solution because you can't see the button when you're wearing the bracelet. You can also use a push button that you have to slam through the fabric, put that's a bit harder and less pretty
Now you can choose the colours for the bracelet. First of all glue on the big beads on the place you want (this will make the sewing more easy) after gluing, sew on the beads with (invisible) beading thread.
Now you can start sewing on little beads You can use a pattern (search on the internet for bead embroidery patterns) but I prefer to just improvise a bit. The easiest option is to first sew circles of little beads around the bigger beads after that you can fill up the gaps
There are lot of different techniques for bead embroidery. I just sew on three beads at a time, well this is a bit difficult to explain here is a great site for beading techniques: I also used a video that explains the basic techniques:
make sure that you can't see any fabric any more when you wear the bracelet
because this bracelet is a present for my mother, I decided to make a gift wrapping, this is it!