Cut Out + Keep

Batbirtt & Vampbirtt

Draw a Batbirtt manga chibi. • Posted by Search Press

Evolution of Batbirtt to Vampbritt. His deafening scream can leave you paralysed.

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0 h 20


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Medium screen shot 2011 07 19 at 18.10.39 1311117060


Evolution of Batbirtt to Vampbritt. His deafening scream can leave you paralysed.


  1. Small screen shot 2011 07 19 at 18.08.59 1311117431

    Outline In order to understand that this is the same character that evolves, not two different characters, both must share a similar anatomy, adapted to their size.

  2. Small screen shot 2011 07 19 at 18.09.30 1311117591


  3. Small screen shot 2011 07 19 at 18.09.43 1311117551

    Give Vampbirtt the physical characteristics of the smaller Batbirtt but make them larger and more aggressive.

  4. Small screen shot 2011 07 19 at 18.10.02 1311117607

    Inking and Colour Give Batbirtt a softer appearance by applying the ink in curves.

  5. Small screen shot 2011 07 19 at 18.10.17 1311117623

    Give Vambirtt a more angular look. The cool colours indicate that they are wicked creatures. The yellows and reds give the contract that the characters require.