Cut Out + Keep

Bat Blood Vial Choker

Sweet like chocolate! • Posted by Lyssa C.

A V-Blood Energy vial (from true blood), purchased at Hot Topic, Halloween earrings from Claire's, and assorted antiqued metal jewelry crafting parts purchased at Micheal's. Rigging the vial and attaching to the chain so that it would hang without twisting or tilting was tricky. I'm an amateur jewelry maker and I've never had any kind of lessons. The chain and rigging is attached directly to the bottle itself. The cap comes off, but the bottle cannot get wet because the chain will likely be damaged by water. A design flaw that I am working on still. I will be offering 2 different types of the finished product: one with sealed cap with some kind of pretty-ness inside, and an empty bottle that can be removed from the chain and cleaned if someone wanted to store candy inside.

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


3 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium bat blood vial choker close up by anya lyssa d31nfb4 1294658975 Medium 005 1294658951


A V-Blood Energy vial (from true blood), purchased at Hot Topic, Halloween earrings from Claire's, and assorted antiqued metal jewelry crafting parts purchased at Micheal's. Rigging the vial and attaching to the chain so that it would hang without twisting or tilting was tricky. I'm an amateur jewelry maker and I've never had any kind of lessons. The chain and rigging is attached directly to the bottle itself. The cap comes off, but the bottle cannot get wet because the chain will likely be damaged by water. A design flaw that I am working on still. I will be offering 2 different types of the finished product: one with sealed cap with some kind of pretty-ness inside, and an empty bottle that can be removed from the chain and cleaned if someone wanted to store candy inside.
