Basilisk Cage

The cage we modified for my basilisk, Domo =]

Posted by JossieAyame


This took us forever.. We ordered the basic glass tank and had to build in the pool, install the lights, build the hood for the lights and decorate the cage specially for Domo. He loves his new home though =]

By the way, the last 5 pics are of Domo so you can see how he looks. Enjoy =]


You Will Need (11 things)

  • Glass Panels Cut To Exact Sizes Needed
  • Wood Panels Cut To Sizes Needed
  • Marine Silicone
  • 1 Basking Lamp And Holder
  • 1 Uv Lamp And Holder
  • 1 Pump
  • Gravel
  • Potting Soil
  • 4 Philodendron Plant(s)
  • Tree Stump(Must be able to fit through sliding doors)
  • Rock(s)