• Posted by Rebecca Skeels.
Anodising needs a lot of chemicals and equipment, so if you would like to try it out without too much fuss, here is a simple step by step to experiment with.
Anodising needs a lot of chemicals and equipment, so if you would like to try it out without too much fuss, here is a simple step by step to experiment with.
1 Negative/Black to aluminium sheet. Bit of fizzy coke in the pot!!
2. The red to positive and your work
3. first colour and one battery 9v
4. plug batteries together to have two 9v batteries at once
5. second colour and two battery 9v, hope its clear enough, its a bit deeper and goldier.
6. three 9v batteries
7. Third colour..
8. last colour.... can't seem to get further than this with batteries... may have to go to the real deal and get a bigger set up?? You can also get a limited pallete from heating titanium, however you have less chance of controlling where the colour is and where to stop.