A Sheepie Backpack
This is a huge version of a plushie from Aranzi Aronzo's Cute Book. Except the arms were modified, and he's really big, and there's a zipper that has half-decapitated him.
He is a plushie backpack that I must send in a swap, but really don't want to. One look into his crazy little eyes, and I was smitten. Le sigh. Anywayz, sorry about the blurry zipper-shot, but it actually didn't turn out so bad. Usually I am a disaster with zippers, but this time, not so much. Yay!
Oh, and sorry about the crap Paint pictures, but I didn't photograph Bartleby until he was done.
U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado, US
16 projects
that is cute, you make me really want to make my own verison! im think pandas and bunnies!LOL
Flateyri, Westfjords, IS
35 projects
so cute