Cut Out + Keep

Barbie Jeep Makeover

Barbie Jeep transformed to cool Army Jeep! • Posted by Shelley | Crazy Wonderful

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


4 h 00


Medium 109584 2f2015 06 26 201520 barbie%2bjeep%2bmakeover%2bfor%2bboys Medium 109584 2f2015 06 26 201527 barbie%2bjeep%2bmakeover Medium 109584 2f2015 06 26 201546 barbie%2bjeep%2bturned%2bwilly 27s%2bjeep Medium 109584 2f2015 06 26 201614 army%2bjeep Medium 109584 2f2015 06 26 201556 power%2bwheels%2bjeep%2bmakeover



  1. Small 109584 2f2015 06 26 201116 disassemble%2bbarbie%2bjeep

    Take apart as much of the Jeep as you can. Everything is held together with screws so it's easy to disassemble.

  2. Small 109584 2f2015 06 26 201138 remove%2bstickers

    Peel off the old stickers and decals. Some came off perfectly and others were a major pain. I used Goo Gone and a razor blade to help remove the difficult ones.

  3. Small 109584 2f2015 06 26 201200 clean%2bbarbie%2bjeep

    Give the entire Jeep and it's parts a good cleaning with warm water and soap so the spray paint adheres well. Ours was filthy!

  4. Small 109584 2f2015 06 26 201226 spray%2bpainted%2bbarbie%2bjeep

    Once everything was dry I covered the wheels with plastic grocery bags to protect them from the green spray paint. I started with the green paint on the body and began painting the Jeep upside down. I did several light coats of spray paint over all the pieces. When it was time for the wheels I used a piece of cardboard to protect the Jeep from over spray. I didn't spray the entire tire, just the white wheels.

  5. Once the spray paint has dried, reassemble the Jeep. I waited to spray the Jeep down with the matte clear coat until it was fully reassembled.

  6. Small 109584 2f2015 06 26 201313 barbie%2bjeep%2bturned%2bwilly 27s%2bjeep

    After the clear coat has dried, place your new vinyl decals and replacement stickers. Now go grab your little one because you're done!