• Posted by craftalien
i use mine as a form of study table to lay my books on but as you can see my brothers uses his when he wants to sleep on the floor i gave a mickey mouse one to my sister for her birthday and she uses it as a bedding decoration
i use mine as a form of study table to lay my books on but as you can see my brothers uses his when he wants to sleep on the floor i gave a mickey mouse one to my sister for her birthday and she uses it as a bedding decoration
pin together your bandanas making sure the edges are lined up as neatly as possible
either blanketstitch or backstitch three of the four sides together leaveing open the fourth side as a pocket for the stuffing
now it is time to stuff the pillow you can add as little or as much as you want based on you liking (you may also use feathers or foam padding if you have any allergies or personal preferences)
onced stuffed pin together the fourth side and continue you blanketstitch or your bacckstitch until completely closed off and secure