Cut Out + Keep

Bandana Hair

Big hair accessorized with a bandanna tied in a cute fashion. <3 • Posted by KatieLikeMe

I will eventually add pictures.

You will need

Project Budget


0 h 05


Pretty Easy
Medium bandanna 1307059374 Medium tension 1307059374 Medium biggersds 1307059376


I will eventually add pictures.


  1. Part your hair to the side, if it isn't already.

  2. Brush your hair all the way through, make sure there aren't any tangles.

  3. Tease (backcomb) your hair with a brush. I use a brush because it's easier, I have thick hair, and because it's a lot easier to brush out.

  4. Hairspray to make sure it will stay.

  5. Roll your bandana up. And then tie it with the tie in front, like a little bow.