Cut Out + Keep

Banana Lip Balm

DIY Banana Lip Balm • Posted by Allison K.

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


2 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium balm 004 1208796522



  1. Small 7976

    Gather ingredients.

  2. Small 7977

    Melt beeswax in double boiler.

  3. Small 7978

    Add almond oil (almost the equal to amount of beeswax). Then add small amounts of coconut oil and shea butter. Stir and melt. Add a few drops of essential oil and vitmain E. It's ready to pour.

  4. Small 7979

    Pour into little containers. (It looks orange because this pic is tangerine flavored and not banana)

  5. Small 7980

    Let mix cool and apply to lips!!