Cut Out + Keep

Ballerina Headband Holder

Cute headband holder.. • Posted by Dayna D.

Cheap and easy storage item for keeping miss six hair things in the one place..

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1 h 00


Pretty Easy
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Cheap and easy storage item for keeping miss six hair things in the one place..


  1. Small iph photos 025

    I got three empty cans of baby milk tins, but u can use anything that will grip headbands too.. and i spray glue them together but you can you tape to stick them together, hot glue didnt work for me. i left lid off the top one.

  2. Small iph photos 026

    I spray glued white felt around tins.

  3. Small iph photos 027

    push all the extra felt in the centre of the top can..

  4. Small iph photos 030

    I added three strips of ribbon and cut some fabric that had ballerina shoes on it to make the top and bottom strips around 7cms in width.i used fabric glue to stick this all in to place but you could also use hot glue..make sure to put tulle in before placing bottom ballerina fabric in.. :)

  5. Small iph photos 035

    Cut extra ballerina fabric to add into empty top can, i place my daugther hair ties and brush and spray into this.. She is forever forgetting where she placed them, now they have a home. Make sure you glue it all into place

  6. Small iph photos 032

    Cut 9 strips of tulle or nylon net to make tutu bit for bottom of holder,and glue into place. 30cms long 7 cms wide

  7. Small iph photos 034

    finished.. i clip my daughther clips in to ribbon...