Baking Bread Rolls / Loaves

Eat when its hot and fresh!

Posted by stardust


This recipe requires good amount of time for kneading the dough and making it sit to rise in order to get a good bread.
2tsbp yeast, 1cup milk, 4 cups flour, 2tbsp butter, 2 tsp sugar, 1 egg and salt to taste.

mix yeast, milk and sugar, let it sit for 10mins.
to flour add salt and egg+butter and the yeast+milk+sugar mixture.
knead for 10mins till u get a good soft dough
coer with wet cloth for 1 hr.
Later punch the dough to let air out of it, form a loaf or desired shape of bread roll.
cover with damp cloth and let it sit for another 30 mins
brush the top with egg yellow lightly
heat oven to 230degree celcius or 430 degree farheniet.
Bake for 30mins. its done..cut it out and check the inside dough whether its cooked. it tastes great when eaten hot.


You Will Need (2 things)

Steps (1 step, 165 minutes)

  1. 1

    eat when hot