• Posted by xOrElse
The story goes... 1. I bought dr. martens 20 eye boots, and I need velvet skirt for winter, but I didn't have it, so my mom recast the old red velvet dress into the skirt. 2. That same skirt I accidentally tore... (before 1 year) 3. It was in may closet, only because I really like it, and one day I need good looking bag for going out, so I remembered that skirt. 4. Than I took skirt, books, notebooks and technology (mobiles and XXL mp4) and made an pattern for my new bag 5. After few moments the bag was done . But still something was missing, than I figure out the Scull, I didn't sew the scull...And immediately I sew it.... THE END
The story goes... 1. I bought dr. martens 20 eye boots, and I need velvet skirt for winter, but I didn't have it, so my mom recast the old red velvet dress into the skirt. 2. That same skirt I accidentally tore... (before 1 year) 3. It was in may closet, only because I really like it, and one day I need good looking bag for going out, so I remembered that skirt. 4. Than I took skirt, books, notebooks and technology (mobiles and XXL mp4) and made an pattern for my new bag 5. After few moments the bag was done . But still something was missing, than I figure out the Scull, I didn't sew the scull...And immediately I sew it.... THE END