Scraps for a Water Bottle Bag
Scraps of cotton yarn make a quick and simple bag to hold a water bottle and apple or banana when going on a hike or walk. It even has enough give and room for a tennis ball or two for the fur face. The net loop construction works for a whole lot of projects that I've made for bags and constrains for my jeep, balls, toys and such. The net loop can be made large like this one or smaller to contain smaller things.
Glenda W. favorited Bag For Waterbottle 30 Jul 00:29
Step 1
Start with the color (blue) you have the most of. Chain 4, go into the first stitch from the start and slip stitch to connect and this make the center circle. SC in the center 4x. This gives you 4 SC. Now SC x2 in each of the SC working around finishing the second row with 13 and around in a spiral. Now SC x2 in first SC and then SC in each SC for 15. Continue in this pattern till you have 6 rows in a spiral. SC in each two times around and do not break off, and it should be a finished bottom the size of a drinking coaster. Now the net part. Chain 4 and SC into the 4th SC from where you stopped. SC, Chain 4 and SC into the 4th SC. Continue around till one row is completed of the net do not break off. Now SC into one net loop, chain 4 and SC into the next net loop. Continue around till 5 net loop rows are completed. Leave 3 inches and cut off. Add next color (peach)by working in the same pattern for the net loops for two rows. Next color (natural) for two rows. Next color (maize) for two rows. Next color (pink) for two rows. Next color (sage) for two rows. You should have a total of 15 rows of net loops (blue, peach, natural, maize, pink, sage. Continue with sage 4 SC in each net loop around. Continue till you have made 4 SC rows (sage) do not break off.
Step 2
Turn around and SC with (sage)into 6 stitches, turn and repeat for 7 rows. Switch to another color (maize) and repeat till (pink, neutral, peach) with (blue) do 20 rows, with (maize) doe 20 rows, with (sage) finish with 4 rows and attach to opposite side of the bag with a slip stitch and do not break off. SC all round bag and strap to edges (sage). Work all the ends of the yarn into the same color so they disappear. I use a plastic needle for this. Sturdy even when wet. If you need to shorten the length of the strap, decrease the rows of each color by 3 rows. If you need to shorten the bag decrease the blue area by 2 rows. (Short people are my friends too.) I am 5 ft 7 in and this bag full stretches from my knee to my hip. Also works great when buying the long baguettes at the farmers markets.
btw great little bottle bage thing