Bag Made From A Felted Jumper :)

how to recycle a felted jumper !!!! <3

Posted by Audrey :) S.



You Will Need (5 things)

  • 1 Jumper
  • 2 Handle(s) ( i used bamboo ones :D )
  • Sewing Machine
  • Thread
  • Waterproof Lining

Steps (5 steps, 180 minutes)

  1. 1

    First cut of the sleeves , then round of the edges at the bottom of the sweater (bottom of the bag)

  2. 2

    Cut out the lining so that it is the same shape and size as the fabric .

  3. 3

    Sew the bottom of the sweater on the machine and do the same on the lining leaving a hole at the bottom to turn the bag inside out. With right sides together sew the lining to the bag around the top .

  4. 4

    Once you have done this you must pass the bag through the hole till it is right way out . Fold the top of the bag around the handle and sew it up using back stitch .

  5. 5

    Sew the botom of the lining by hand , you can personalise your bag with pompoms , bows ...