Baby Headbands

What did you craft today?

Posted by breeforbreakfast


Nylon, no metal headbands for babies (or yourself)!
Great fabric craft for crafters with no sewing abilities!


You Will Need (4 things)

  • Scissors
  • Fabric Yoyo's
  • Nylon
  • Needle & Thread

Steps (6 steps, 20 minutes)

  1. 1

    Gather materials. I used a nylon sock, button thread (because it's sturdy and I am terrible at sewing), a pair of scissors, and a fabric yo-yo I had previously made. You can get the tutorial for a fabric yo-yo here: or you can buy them at your local craft store.

  2. 2

    Take your nylon, and make two cuts horizontally, so that you have a square piece of nylon.

  3. 3

    Lightly pull on the nylon until it rolls up on it's own.

  4. 4

    Unroll a part of the nylon and place it over the back of the fabric yo-yo. The nylon should be rolling towards you.

  5. 5

    Take your needle and thread and stitch the nylon to the center of the yo-yo. It doesn't have to be pretty, since that part wont be seen.

  6. 6

    Then tug on the nylon again, lightly, and you have a nylon yo-yo headband for a baby (or yourself)!