Cut Out + Keep

Autism Recogntion Sewing Pin Cushion

Organize your tiny sewing supplies while storing you straignt pins safely close by! • Posted by vron.ducharme

This container is made out of a recycled Fluffernutter container but you can use any round container of any size. It is a great way to store little sewing items inside and the top is a pin cushion. The theme of the fabric can be the creator's choice. The possibilities are endless.

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


2 h 30


Medium 441000988481198755 dqewdzuq b Medium 441000988481198756 pwpg4fso b Medium 441000988481198757 gddn3utu b


This container is made out of a recycled Fluffernutter container but you can use any round container of any size. It is a great way to store little sewing items inside and the top is a pin cushion. The theme of the fabric can be the creator's choice. The possibilities are endless.
