Atc Photo Corners
Strips of type photo corners on ATC's
Posted by PlaidCrafter
So I don't know if this is an original idea or I have been reading so many good craft books, all the cool things I see in them just percolate around and then at some random moment an idea pops into my mind and I just have to make it.
My (or one I've seen) idea is to use strips of type as photo corners. In this case for use on ATCs.
You Will Need (3 things)
- Magazine(s)
- Paper
- Glue
Steps (2 steps, 10 minutes)
I went through a magazine and cut out strips that either had an interesting word or phrase somewhere within it.
I then picked a photo and background paper to go along with the phrase.
I then simply folded back the ends of the strips and glued them to the back of the ATC. I like how the photo floats around under the strips. It can be a very random process just to see what comes from a magazine and how what I had in my "images to craft with box" came together.