• Posted by Lilim
This is for Miss Zombie ♥ I know how you wanted this pattern. ^_^ If any of you are wondering why the dollie is armless. Well, its cause that's kinda how Aks-kitty draws her chibis IF you make a dollie! I WANNA SEE IT!!!!
This is for Miss Zombie ♥ I know how you wanted this pattern. ^_^ If any of you are wondering why the dollie is armless. Well, its cause that's kinda how Aks-kitty draws her chibis IF you make a dollie! I WANNA SEE IT!!!!
Here is the pattern you'll need to make this dollie. You can save and download this pattern or draw you own I always just draw one side of the body and then fold the patter and cut it out so the sides (makes life so much easier)
Cut out all your pattern pieces. You just need one of each in paper the X2 is how many you need to cut out in your felt or fabric So the body Big circle is the head Tiny circle is the butt
Doodling time! Once you get everything how you want it draw it to size you need it to be to fit the doll and cut out the pieces. This took me a few hours to do. Cause I was thinking of how to sew it how many pieces I should use for the hair (#4) How to make the corset and panties.... So many thoughts. I also went on to find out how a corset is laced so I could lace mine the same way.
Take your doll's body and draw or pin the paper to the felt (or whatever) Remember your going to want to cut out two pieces of felt the same size for the body. Do the same for the head and butt cheeks ^^
Cut out your clothing and hair *Tip* You can also use yarn for the hair. You'll wanna pick a length of how long you want your doll's hair and fold this length over and over and over again. Then tie the yarn in the middle with a little piece of yarn the same colour. Try to make it look un-noticeable. Glue or Stitch it onto the top of the dolls head... Then the fun part is cuting and styling the yarn into a sexy hair cut. (Might need to do this set 2 or 3 times not sure haven't done it myself only seen it done online)
I use the Button Hole Stitch for more of the dollie. This stitch is meant to be for making edges look pretty and I find it easy to use ^__^ (You cant really see it on my dollie though cause I used this clear thread) It's kinda hard to explain so much easier if you guys let me come over to your place and show you but its easy once you get the hang of it... Make a loop from the fabric then thread through the loop to make a knot! *Points to her drawing*
Take your buttcheeks and sew them to one side of the body pieces (the back) I stuffed my butt cheeks so they would look round and cut. *Tip* I use felt scraps for stuffing all my plushes. Cut the felt into smaller pieces so it wouldn't make your plushie look bumpy.
Now sew the body pieces together! Don't forget to stop sewing leaving a hole for stuffing then sew up the hole ^__^ Do the same with the head.
Sewing on the head! There isn't a right or wrong way to do this its going to be messy looking no matter what you do just make it strong. As you see in the pic the blue part is where I stitched the head to the body. *Tip* use a pin to hold the head where you want it on the neck... My Neroisiss' head moves like he's in a metal band ^_^ Its fun to play with
I painted the face with a nail ^_^ Felt isn't easy to paint on so good luck
I'm going to leave you with this last step... Panties! Cute out a shape like you see in the pic. Make sure it fits your dollie! (Took me a few tries use paper 1st) Folded it in half and sew the edges as seen in pic. I added a head to my panties if you want to do the same sew the heart on before use sew the edges together.