• Posted by Eeka
Once you learn how to do it, it's like second nature! Here are step by step instructions. The beginning is very easy, but I find that the finishing stitches can be a little tricky. Here is the youtube video I reference to when I need a little help remembering how to end the stitches : I hope you try it!
Once you learn how to do it, it's like second nature! Here are step by step instructions. The beginning is very easy, but I find that the finishing stitches can be a little tricky. Here is the youtube video I reference to when I need a little help remembering how to end the stitches : I hope you try it!
Start with two strands of bulky yarn.
Make a slip knot. If you are not sure how there are some good how-to videos on YouTube. Make sure you make a long tail. I measure from my wrist to my elbow and double that.
Wrap the working yarn around your pointer finger and tail around your thumb. You will now start making your first row.
take your hand that has the slip knot tied around and go under the tail piece.
Then grab the working yarn and lightly pull it up.
It should look like a loop.
Put your slipknot hand through the loop and tighten.
Repeat 3-7
Make about 7-9 stitches.
Now you will make your next row on your other wrist. Hold onto the working yarn and pull off the closest loop.
Pull the working yarn through and make a loop.
Put your hand (without stitches) Through the loop.
Repeat 10-12 This will start the rows on your other arm.
Keep repeating. I did about 28 rows.
This is what it should look like with 2 rows.
To end it, you basically are going to make double stitches. Instead of making a single stitch, you will grab the stitch behind the first and drop it off. This is probably the hardest part. I highly recommend pulling up this video:
After all the stiches are closed you will have a loop left. Pull your working yarn through and tie it off. At this point you want to connect the ends. I just lace the loose ends together and tie them off.
Pull all the stitches so they look even and viola! An infinity scarf!