Anthropologie Marjorelle Necklace

10 minutes to a fabulous necklace

Posted by sarah t.



You Will Need (1 thing)

  • Gold Rope (Wal Mart $1.20), Epoxy, Gold Chain Clasp, 10mm Jump Ring Gold, 2 Gold Earring Clasps(All From Jo Ann's For .77 Cents Each Kind), 2 Flower Rings(Baker's $8.00 Each), One Gold Flower(From A Necklace I Had).

Steps (5 steps, 15 minutes)

  1. 1

    This was my inspiration, A Marjorelle Necklace from Anthropologie.

  2. 2

    What you'll need: a gold rope(wal mart $1.20), epoxy, gold chain clasp, 10mm jump ring gold, 2 gold earring clasps(all from jo ann's for .77 cents each kind), 3 flowers.

  3. 3

    These are the 3 flowers I chose, 2 flower rings(baker's $8.00 each),and one gold flower from a necklace I had. I took out the ring part from the 2 flowers to make it a flat surface in the back.

  4. 4

    I used epoxy to attach the 3 flowers onto the rope. Then I used the clasps and the jump ring to connect to the end of the rope on both sides.

  5. 5

    15 minutes later, you have a beautiful necklace!