Cut Out + Keep

Another Hat!

Another hat with my two favorite colors! • Posted by Eva

I basically took the pattern that I found online (click the link) and changed all the coloring and parts of the shaping. The pattern I have here is the pattern I made up for the color pattern I liked and based on a two color pattern (A= purple, B=red). NOTE(important)!: Rows 49 till the end, the starred repeats don't exactly match up with the number of stitches (that’s how I found it online). Just end where it ends (even if it doesn’t match up) and start the new row.

You will need

Project Budget


5 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium sillyhat2 1246996578 Medium sillyhat1 1246996569 Medium sillyhat3 1246996584


I basically took the pattern that I found online (click the link) and changed all the coloring and parts of the shaping. The pattern I have here is the pattern I made up for the color pattern I liked and based on a two color pattern (A= purple, B=red). NOTE(important)!: Rows 49 till the end, the starred repeats don't exactly match up with the number of stitches (that’s how I found it online). Just end where it ends (even if it doesn’t match up) and start the new row.


  1. Using circular needle (I am not sure how big, but my judgment tells me about size 7),CO 76 sts with color A and join in the round (careful not to twist). Place stitch marker.

  2. R1-R10: K across in color A R11-R12: P across with color A R13-R15: K across in color B R16-R26: K across in color A R27-R29: K across in color B R30-R31: P across in color A R32-R48: K across, switching each row from color A to color B R49: *K6, K2TOG*, in color A R50: K across in color A R51: *K4, K2TOG*, in color A R52: K across in color A R53: *K3, K2TOG*, in color A R54: K across in color A R55: *K2, K2TOG*, in color A R56: K across is color A R57: *K1, K2TOG*, in color A

  3. With a tapestry needle, weave nine (7 inch) strands of yarn through the remaining sts and pull tightly. I braided them to make a cute little braid up top, but if you don’t want that showing, you can turn it inside out and braid it on the inside so no one sees.