Animal Paper Marche Mask

Not for carnival only

Posted by Artistically


Normally I would have some photos, but we made the project in the education center together with our students ... but hopefully the explanations gonna be useful for you.


You Will Need (6 things)

  • Newspapers
  • Colored Paper
  • Plastic Bowl
  • Paste
  • Clay
  • Plastic Wrap

Steps (4 steps, 1200 minutes)

  1. 1

    First you need something you want to reproduce as paper marche mask. In this case I have chosen my Dodo Mascot.

  2. 2

    When you start you first put lots of clay on the plastic bowl. In this way you are forming the base form for your future mask. When you are done with nose, eyes ... everything you need to put plastic wrap on the finished base form.

    In this way the clay will not dry and also the paper will not be sticked together with the clay.

  3. 3

    Now you will need lots of torned papers and of course lots of paste ... you will need around 4-6 layers until the mask will be strong enough.

    The last layer could be colored paper ... although you will have the possibility, to color it instead of using the last paper layer.

  4. 4

    When you are done you can cover the mask using whatever you want ... feathers, more paper, sequins ...

    And if you want, you can put a varnish at the end on the mask, too.