Cut Out + Keep

Angry Birds Pig Halter Top

Who doesn't love Angry Birds and those evil, little, green pigs? • Posted by UnicornsRppl2

My mom bought me this green halter top, and since I've wanted an Angry Bird shirt for a while, I thought it was the perfect color for those green pigs we know so well. So I took some felt I bought from the Christmas Tree Shop for less than 90 cents (for 5 multi-color sheets that are about the same size as a sheet of printer paper) which was great. And using a picture for reference, I cut out the shapes and sewed them to the top. I didn't have a sewing machine at that time so it took longer to hand-sew everything. It would be much easier to hand-sew the smaller pieces anyway. I love this top! It's great to wear in the summer and I got a lot of complements from people because almost everybody plays or at least heard about Angry Birds :) This could also be done to any kind of solid color top, with any of the Angry Birds characters, or even other cartoon characters. So there are many different possibilities with this method, and the best thing is that it barely costs anything!

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


2 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium 012 1325364778 Medium img2 Medium 011 1325367456


My mom bought me this green halter top, and since I've wanted an Angry Bird shirt for a while, I thought it was the perfect color for those green pigs we know so well. So I took some felt I bought from the Christmas Tree Shop for less than 90 cents (for 5 multi-color sheets that are about the same size as a sheet of printer paper) which was great. And using a picture for reference, I cut out the shapes and sewed them to the top. I didn't have a sewing machine at that time so it took longer to hand-sew everything. It would be much easier to hand-sew the smaller pieces anyway. I love this top! It's great to wear in the summer and I got a lot of complements from people because almost everybody plays or at least heard about Angry Birds :) This could also be done to any kind of solid color top, with any of the Angry Birds characters, or even other cartoon characters. So there are many different possibilities with this method, and the best thing is that it barely costs anything!
