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Angry Birds Crochet Pig Plushie

Based on Angry Birds Crochet Pig Plushie by Abby H. • Posted by SieniPieni

These little guys are a part of a christmas gift for a friend of mine. Yeah, the yarn I used is a bit too dark, but I couldn't find the right shade in my trusted yarnshop. :< I also decided to replace the crocheted eyes with the googly ones, 'cause I had some problems with them. But all in all, I think they ended up quite well.

You will need


2 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium possuu 002


These little guys are a part of a christmas gift for a friend of mine. Yeah, the yarn I used is a bit too dark, but I couldn't find the right shade in my trusted yarnshop. :< I also decided to replace the crocheted eyes with the googly ones, 'cause I had some problems with them. But all in all, I think they ended up quite well.
