her first ever sewing project!
Okay so my 9yo stepdaughter has been patiently asking me every. single. weekend. if we can make some little wallets or purses cos her friend at school made some and since I have a sewing machine can we please please make some purses Ra pleeeeeease!
We finally got time over the long weekend with the boys out of the house down on the floor we got and upturned my 5 vintage suitcases stuffed full of scavenged vintage material until we were surrounded by piles of the stuff - possibly my favourite part of the whole project :)
Picking out the material was the lengthy part, once that was done the cutting pinning and sewing only took about 10 minutes per purse...
As I was completely winging it I quickly sewed mine (the one with blue flowers), a kind of textile guinea pig, to make sure that my freestyle pattern would work...
And then it was Aneska's turn - and she did amazingly well for a newbie - with a little help on the curvaceous corners she was away. so proud.
Next time she comes over we're going to make more for her to give to her friends as xmas presents. Saving the planet and some hardearned chang has never been so fun...
marilyn.steckly favorited Aneska's Little Purses... 21 Apr 02:56
crafty wee savage posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!