Cut Out + Keep


Minions of Mass Cuteness! • Posted by DorianHellfire

These took maybe an hour or two, depending on how many breaks you take. I used plain black plastic beads for eyes and glued a small piece of felt on the inside to get the safety eyes look. Nerdigurumi made hers with limbs but these were so cute without. I started with the bunny and thought "bunny nuggets", and yes, partial inspiration did come from how bunnies go poo and all but that's not the point. I made all 3 shown here in a span of a day. If I didn't need to perform the usual human functions, I I probably coulda made another one.

You will need

Project Budget


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium imag0184 1306266389 Medium imag0185 1306266407


These took maybe an hour or two, depending on how many breaks you take. I used plain black plastic beads for eyes and glued a small piece of felt on the inside to get the safety eyes look. Nerdigurumi made hers with limbs but these were so cute without. I started with the bunny and thought "bunny nuggets", and yes, partial inspiration did come from how bunnies go poo and all but that's not the point. I made all 3 shown here in a span of a day. If I didn't need to perform the usual human functions, I I probably coulda made another one.
