Limme know if you've made one, I'd like to see...
Ms Dorito added Amigurumi Bunny to Plushie 12 Jun 19:08
Debora N. favorited Amigurumi Bunny 17 Sep 18:49
Neko-San K. favorited Amigurumi Bunny 31 May 20:33
Emma H. favorited Amigurumi Bunny 27 Feb 22:20
lalarurusena favorited Amigurumi Bunny 23 Feb 09:24
ElizabethJuddTaylor added Amigurumi Bunny to Blythe 04 Nov 17:17
Natalie H. favorited Amigurumi Bunny 05 Apr 13:12
Joy A. added Amigurumi Bunny to Amigurumi 17 Feb 22:07
Gavin S. favorited Amigurumi Bunny 12 Oct 22:52
You Will Need
Step 1
* Lion Brand Cupcake Yarn
* B hookHead:
- Ch 4.
- 2 sc in next 4 sts. Then sc the sts under, 4 sts.
- *2 sc, sc 2*
- *2 sc, sc*
- 2 sc in first st, sc 10, 2 sc in next st, sc the rest
- 2 sc in first st, sc 11, 2 sc in next st, sc the rest.
- *Sc*
- *Sc*
- *Sc*
- *Dec, sc 2*
- *Dec, sc*Body:
- Ch 4.
- Sc in next sts and the sts under.
- *2 sc, sc*
- *2 sc, sc*
- 2 sc in st, sc 7, 2 sc, sc the rest.
- *Sc*
- *Sc*
- *Sc*
- Dec, sc 8, dec, sc the rest.
- *Sc*
- *Dec, sc 3*
- *Sc*
- Sl st in next 2 sts.Arms/Legs:
- Ch 2, 4 sc into first ch.
- *2 sc, sc*
- *Sc*
- *Sc*
- *Sc*
- Leave 4" tail.Use tails to put onto body.
I used only a couple of stitches,
so it'd be movable/sit up on it's own.Ears:
I can't remember quite how I did
these, but I wasn't really satisfied
with them anyway.Just basically do what you did for
the arms and don't stuff them.Nose/Mouth:
Stitch on how you want it to look like.
- Ch 3, 4 sc in first ch.
- *2 sc, sc*
- Sl st in next st.Stitch on with white thread. Insert the
needle under, through the bottom part
of the stitch so when you insert the needle
more so in the middle, it will curl slightly
into instead of being flat.Tail:
- Ch 2, 6 sc into first ch.
- *2 sc, sc*
- 2 sc in st, sc in next.
Riechan - 'Ch' means chain.
'Sc' means single crochet
'St' means single stitch
Good luck! ^^
It's a very cute bunny btw.
I'm a noob at crochet so I've a question, what does 'Ch' 'sc' and 'st(s)'
thankyou very much ^^