Cut Out + Keep

Amigurumi Chuthlu

Destroying you with cute! • Posted by HotPinkCrayola

My first project from 'Creepy Cute Crochet' and a request from my brother. The wings I couldn't get (until, ironically the very next project I tried when I cracked them by accident!) so I made up my own. I only started crochet so that I could make things from this book. There will be more eventually...

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


2 h 00


Medium 10012012559 1 Medium 10012012560 1 Medium 10012012561 1


My first project from 'Creepy Cute Crochet' and a request from my brother. The wings I couldn't get (until, ironically the very next project I tried when I cracked them by accident!) so I made up my own. I only started crochet so that I could make things from this book. There will be more eventually...
