• Posted by FrolleinKram
Remeber, I did a similar style back in the days, but I told you I developed an allergy against the chemically dyed felt and was SO sad about it. So now I have to make sure the felt doesn't touch my scalp. This is the way:
Remeber, I did a similar style back in the days, but I told you I developed an allergy against the chemically dyed felt and was SO sad about it. So now I have to make sure the felt doesn't touch my scalp. This is the way:
Get ( or make ) some felt dreadsies, make them most random in the colours you love. Don't make them longer than your own hair, this might look just too fake. They don't have to be perfect as we're not aiming for a perfectly tidy look.
knot the ends around the scrunchie and pull tight. Maybe put on a few beads, preferably cute ones. I found a pink butterfly haped one, e.g., or little stars... Awesome.
Get your hair up in a tail, don't make it too high. About on the lower third of your head, if that makes any sense to you. Secure it with another scrunchie. It's totally ok to let strands fall down. Frame your face, let something out from just behind your ear, anything you're comfortable with. Put on the dread scrunchie on so the strings are under your natural hair. Hold everything up with your dominant hand, as if you would normally do it when you'd just put the clip on. BUT before you do that, just... shake stuff up. Digg your fingers in and make a little mess. THEN put the clip in, directing the hair to your cholocate half ( really, everyone has one. :D ). Randomly pull on strands to make them stick out more. ( in this picture it looks surprisingly un-messy... o.O ) You may tie a ribbon around the base of it all ( see the pink leopard patterned one? )
Put in an awful lot of clips to hold everything in place. The cuter the design, the better. Sorry for the black block, I couldn't stand my face in this picture. xD I just recently found out that this goes pretty well with these... uhm, these styles where you put your bangs up into a little bump if you know what I mean. Gives it some sort of Rockabella feeling. This look works just as well without the dreads, in this case you won't need a scrunchie at all. Just bundle up your hair with yor hands, mess it up and clip away. :) Yo can see the lower part of that, with loose strands and all, in my Growl Karaoke creation. ^^