Cut Out + Keep

Alphabet Lanyard Cellphone Charm

Key chain, cellphone charm • Posted by Kimbrrly L.

Did not take too long. Took at while at first, but I've got it down to about 10 minutes. Prices of supplies will vary depending where you are. ----------------------------------------------------- I remember a store here at the Mall (Morning Glory) used to make these. I got into them, and found out it was quite easy. Enjoy.

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


0 h 20


Medium 210647 1861604053844 1053216329 2087241 65192 o 1302579772


Did not take too long. Took at while at first, but I've got it down to about 10 minutes. Prices of supplies will vary depending where you are. ----------------------------------------------------- I remember a store here at the Mall (Morning Glory) used to make these. I got into them, and found out it was quite easy. Enjoy.
