• Posted by Maladignia
When I saw this I immediately thought of a friend of mine, whose favorite animal is a lama. (Yes, I know, the plushy is an alpaca, but I don't see much difference) :P So I took some nice soft wool-like fabric I had left over from my winter coat and hand sewed this alpaca/lama. I made a blanket over its back to hide the closing stitches but I omitted the tack. The pattern can be found by going to Sara's version and clicking on the link below her description. (Ha, I'm promoting her version too) :P I do think it needs some darts between the legs and ears, to keep them straight. After stuffing, the legs of my lama were pointing kind of outwards, making it look weird. I sewed the legs (and the ears, had the same problem) together afterward and tada, it actually started looking like a lama.
When I saw this I immediately thought of a friend of mine, whose favorite animal is a lama. (Yes, I know, the plushy is an alpaca, but I don't see much difference) :P So I took some nice soft wool-like fabric I had left over from my winter coat and hand sewed this alpaca/lama. I made a blanket over its back to hide the closing stitches but I omitted the tack. The pattern can be found by going to Sara's version and clicking on the link below her description. (Ha, I'm promoting her version too) :P I do think it needs some darts between the legs and ears, to keep them straight. After stuffing, the legs of my lama were pointing kind of outwards, making it look weird. I sewed the legs (and the ears, had the same problem) together afterward and tada, it actually started looking like a lama.