• Posted by honey bunny
i'm not an English speaker so...i try :D i'd like to thank google translator :P.
i'm not an English speaker so...i try :D i'd like to thank google translator :P.
Materials:Acetone, nail polish: black white green pink blue red and gray, nail paintbrush, tape.
Cut a small piece of tape and stick on the nail but leave room for the laces. paint the nails with different colors
when the nail polish dries off take the tape off.
carefully paint the empty space of the nail with white nail polish.
looks like this
you probably don't think its too hard but i had to start over a couple of times so i'll explain the laces part. you draw a little "M"-
then draw an upside down "V".
draw with the paintbrush and the black nail polish half of a circle on the white part.
with a dotting tool and gray nail polish draw dots on the sides of the laces.
now top cote and done!!
? so cute ?