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All In One Baby Changing Mat

All in One Foldable Baby Changing Mat • Posted by Fennie T.

I have been looking for a decent size baby changing mat for my 3 months old baby girl, however, what's available in the market are simply too tiny if it's foldable. So I was searching for tutorial and found a All-in-One baby changing mat ( , and I change the size and material of the mat. I used something which is similar to table cloth, so its cleanable, I do not need to add vinyl on top. Dimensions : 9.5" x 8" ( Folded with nothing inside) 18.5" x 26" ( open ) It has 2 pockets inside as per, for 3 diapers and a pack of wet wipes. Pockets dimensions to cut as per's tutorial I used a elastic band + button for closure, you may use velcro and a strip of fabric like the pokka dots one.

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium 2014 03 04 042049 20140224 113437 Medium 2014 03 04 042107 20140224 113446 Medium 2014 03 04 042125 20140224 113500 Medium 2014 03 04 042133 20140224 113557 Medium 2014 03 04 042142 20140224 113636 Medium 2014 03 04 042150 20140224 113729 Medium 2014 03 04 042200 20140224 113907 Medium 2014 03 04 042208 20140224 114307 Medium 2014 03 04 042213 20140224 114318 Medium 2014 03 04 042222 20140224 114420 Medium 2014 03 04 042234 20140224 114556 Medium 2014 03 04 042238 20140224 114615 Medium 2014 03 04 042243 20140224 114632 Medium 2014 03 04 045015 20140227 151030 Medium 2014 03 04 045020 20140227 151020 Medium 2014 03 04 045025 20140227 150847 Medium 2014 03 04 045030 20140227 150833 Medium 2014 03 04 045037 20140227 150801 2 Medium 2014 03 04 045044 20140227 150741 Medium 2014 03 04 045051 20140227 150700 Medium 2014 03 04 045055 20140227 150644 Medium 2014 03 04 045059 20140227 150624 Medium 2014 03 04 045105 20140227 150612 Medium 2014 03 04 045109 20140227 150548 Medium 2014 03 04 045113 20140227 150536 Medium 2014 03 04 045118 20140227 150522 Medium 2014 03 04 045123 20140227 150515 Medium 2014 03 04 045127 20140227 150508 Medium 2014 03 04 045131 20140227 150451


I have been looking for a decent size baby changing mat for my 3 months old baby girl, however, what's available in the market are simply too tiny if it's foldable. So I was searching for tutorial and found a All-in-One baby changing mat ( , and I change the size and material of the mat. I used something which is similar to table cloth, so its cleanable, I do not need to add vinyl on top. Dimensions : 9.5" x 8" ( Folded with nothing inside) 18.5" x 26" ( open ) It has 2 pockets inside as per, for 3 diapers and a pack of wet wipes. Pockets dimensions to cut as per's tutorial I used a elastic band + button for closure, you may use velcro and a strip of fabric like the pokka dots one.
