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Alien Abduction Nite Lite

Based on Alien Abduction Nite Lite by KMOM14 • Posted by KMOM14

This version is a gift for a co-worker's birthday. As she is a fan of the X-Files, I think she will get a kick out of it. Instead of an animal being abducted, this time the UFO is beaming back an Easter Peep (from the dollar store - it is plastic and full of lemon scented bubble soap and a wand) that they have super-sized to take over the world! On this version instead of having the string just through the center of the top, made two holes and used silver elastic cord and tied it through the center and made an knot underneath, then glued down with hot glue.

You will need


0 h 30


Nice & Simple
Medium spaceship peep1 1242358716 Medium spaceship3 1242358427 Medium spaceship light on 1242358749


This version is a gift for a co-worker's birthday. As she is a fan of the X-Files, I think she will get a kick out of it. Instead of an animal being abducted, this time the UFO is beaming back an Easter Peep (from the dollar store - it is plastic and full of lemon scented bubble soap and a wand) that they have super-sized to take over the world! On this version instead of having the string just through the center of the top, made two holes and used silver elastic cord and tied it through the center and made an knot underneath, then glued down with hot glue.
