Cut Out + Keep

Alice / Poison Necklace

Skeleton Key, Crystal Heart and a Vial of Poison? maybe Potion? • Posted by SyntheticStars

Eat me, drink me.... poison me? I can't decide what this is, I'm making this in blue for wearing at my mother-in-law's wedding in June. However, I had spare bits and pieces so thought I'd make this red one too (I should imagine it might make it to etsy to be honest). I just can't decide if it's like an Alice necklace or a poison bottle necklace...?

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Project Budget
Getting Pricey


1 h 20


Medium dscf7582edit 1273405613 Medium dscf7579edit 1273405436 Medium dscf7553 1273405994 Medium dscf7560 1273406085


Eat me, drink me.... poison me? I can't decide what this is, I'm making this in blue for wearing at my mother-in-law's wedding in June. However, I had spare bits and pieces so thought I'd make this red one too (I should imagine it might make it to etsy to be honest). I just can't decide if it's like an Alice necklace or a poison bottle necklace...?
