Cut Out + Keep

Album Art

New album! • Posted by Melissa K.

I was at the thrift store looking thru the CD's when i came upon some old albums! My first thought was to make album bowls but decided on this instead! I found a stencil on Skull-a-day and printed it out. I glued in to a chipboard and went to cutting with my handy dandy cutter...many hours later i finished and taped it to my album! A coat of white paint, some touch up with red and black sharpies,some Modge Podge, 2 holes in the top with some ribbon and WA-LA!! An old album with an new feel! A tribute to E.A.P.'s 200th and the death of albums as a form of music! The picture isn't great Sorry!! What you can't see is the ribbon is little skull and crossbones! :)

You will need

Project Budget


4 h 00


Medium imag0043 1255480693


I was at the thrift store looking thru the CD's when i came upon some old albums! My first thought was to make album bowls but decided on this instead! I found a stencil on Skull-a-day and printed it out. I glued in to a chipboard and went to cutting with my handy dandy cutter...many hours later i finished and taped it to my album! A coat of white paint, some touch up with red and black sharpies,some Modge Podge, 2 holes in the top with some ribbon and WA-LA!! An old album with an new feel! A tribute to E.A.P.'s 200th and the death of albums as a form of music! The picture isn't great Sorry!! What you can't see is the ribbon is little skull and crossbones! :)
