Al Murray Mic

Testing, testing

Posted by Knittin' Kitten


So Al Murray (aka. The Pub Landlord) used to be in my band, long before I joined. The leader singer is still friends with him and it was his 40th birthday yesterday, so Pat commissioned me to stencil a microphone for him as a present!


You Will Need (4 things)

  • 1 Microphone
  • Acrylic Paint
  • Masking Tape
  • Paint Brush

Steps (6 steps, 30 minutes)

  1. 1

    Masking tape all the electrical bits, like the mic head and the switch (just in case!)

  2. 2

    Paint black (just to make it look a little darker) and leave somewhere safe to dry.

    Mum yells at you for taking a picture of the washing.

  3. 3

    Become aware that you only have two hours to do this and paint takes time to dry, so whip out the hairdryer

  4. 4

    Spend a hell of a long time choosing a font, and deciding that by "metal, dark, maybe gothic", Pat means Army (obviously) then realising you have no card so have to do it on paper and stick masking tape on the back, which just makes it harder to cut out! Also cut out some pretty stars

  5. 5

    Stick the stencil on with masking tape and get to painting! Also stick on the star stencils and paint those in silver. Leave the stencil on while it's drying

  6. 6

    Get mum to hold the mic so you can get a non-blurry picture. Hope it doesn't all come off!