Adventure Time Vest Top

cheap painted (washable) tops :)

Posted by anita.n.g



You Will Need (3 things)

  • Fabric Marker
  • cotton Vest
  • Fabric Paint

Steps (3 steps, 20 minutes)

  1. 1

    Draw out a design! I did this free hand onto the vest with pencil but you could also do it on paper/card and trace over it onto the material (if its thin/white).

  2. 2

    Paint the design with a fabric paint... I used 'TULIP, Slick dimensional fabric paint'. It's quite cheap for a pack of colours on amazon and they work really well!

  3. 3

    put the top on a flat surface and leave to dry, then outline the painted images with a black fabric marker (be careful its not one that spreads when washed!)