Cut Out + Keep

Advent Calendar

small pocketed advent • Posted by LoupLou

wall hanging advent calendar

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


2 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium 112726 2f2016 01 06 115346 craft3


wall hanging advent calendar


  1. cut the linen to a 60x 70cm rectangle. hem each side with a 1cm edge on the wrong side. on the top and bottom fold down by 2.5cm and stitch, this will b where the bamboo goes.

  2. cut the ribbons to make 24 pockets. sew down the edge and along the bottom of the wrong side. Turn to right side.

  3. pin the pockets onto the backing linen. arrange however you wish. sew onto backing by stitching down one side along the bottom and up the other side.

  4. add an embellishment to the pocket with either glue or stitching.

  5. using a rubber stamp stamp a number next to the pocket

  6. put the bamboo through the fabric top and bottom. attach ribbon to a suitable hanging height on the top