Add Your Walls Some Color!

Add color to your simple walls

Posted by Alexis_Orifiel


If your wall color is simple and you dont like it, why not paint it and add it some style? Here is a step-by-step tutorial of how ti make it :)


You Will Need (3 things)

  • Paint Brush
  • Sticky Tape
  • Wall Paint in different colours

Steps (7 steps, 120 minutes)

  1. 1

    First of all, make a shape in you head, not so complicated though, and with the sticky tape copy the shape to your wall.

  2. 2

    After that, think of what color will what be. (if you are not sure, color the paper with your ideas)

  3. 3

    Prepare your paint. The process depends on how long the paint needs to dry, and get ready to paint!

  4. 4

    Now my favorite part! Color the wall as you wish!

  5. 5

    Wait for the paint to dry, and then slowly take the sticky tape of.

  6. 6

    And that's it! Now, I will start to add some pictures and stuff that I like to personalize my wall, below is another picture of an another wall that I painted as well!

  7. 7

    My other wall, paint and decorated :)