Cut Out + Keep

Acid Washed Denim

Bring back the 80's...with your own personal touches. • Posted by Sporky McDorky

After seeing so many interesting versions of this idea, I decided to try it myself. I wasn't sure if this project would work knowing me, hah. So, I used an old pair of skinny jeans just in case something went wrong. But in the end, I was very happy with the result!

You will need

Project Budget


1 h 30


Pretty Easy
Medium 100 2593 Medium 100 2595


After seeing so many interesting versions of this idea, I decided to try it myself. I wasn't sure if this project would work knowing me, hah. So, I used an old pair of skinny jeans just in case something went wrong. But in the end, I was very happy with the result!


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    Gather all of your materials. It helps to have everything within reach. I also went ahead and dampened my jeans, but this isn't required.

  2. *Please note that I used a separate pair of jeans for this picture since I was a little ahead with my main pair. I did not measure, but I filled the very bottom with water - just enough to submerge the surface of the bottom of the bucket. I followed it up with the bleach next, which will be slightly more in quantity than the water. And if you're paranoid like me, gloves will help in the next steps.

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    After that, I focus on the jeans. I did not have any rubberbands in the house, so I went ahead and rolled it up. I started with the very top of the jeans and began to roll them down.

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    Keep rolling...

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    ...until you have a nice bundle. Then fold it in half.

  6. Next, I placed them into my bucket. I pressed down once just to make sure the bleach would work its magic. I checked back twenty minutes later, then flipped my jeans over. I took them out about fifteen minutes later and ran them through the washer and dryer ALONE.

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    And here was my end result.