Cut Out + Keep

Accessories Box On Wall

secreat jewelry or accessory hanger on wall - DIY COOL IDEA • Posted by Riya K.

it act as a wall cupboard or mini cupboard for keeping all your jewelry and stuff in a cool manner m simply loving it :p

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium 102425 2f2014 06 10 021624 colla


it act as a wall cupboard or mini cupboard for keeping all your jewelry and stuff in a cool manner m simply loving it :p


  1. Small 102425 2f2014 06 10 021856 photo0205

    take a one side flip box like pizza box

  2. Small 102425 2f2014 06 10 021953 photo0206

    this type of box

  3. Small 102425 2f2014 06 10 022444 photo0207

    if the surface is rough then its OK otherwise cover it with a plain paper for design

  4. Small 102425 2f2014 06 10 022525 photo0208

    as this

  5. Small 102425 2f2014 06 10 024435 photo0210

    now start drawing whats going on in your mind

  6. Small 102425 2f2014 06 10 024506 photo0213

    herez a rough sketch of what m going to make....make sure you keep it rough nd cool

  7. drawing from middle, painting is on its way!!

  8. Small 102425 2f2014 06 10 024634 photo0215

    some final touches

  9. Small 102425 2f2014 06 10 024654 photo0216

    now turn for what you are going to do inside the box

  10. Small 102425 2f2014 06 10 024723 photo0218

    use some cloth stick on hangers

  11. Small 102425 2f2014 06 10 024822 photo0221

    stick them on the board according to your wish

  12. Small 102425 2f2014 06 10 024852 photo0222

    at the top mark a boundary and punch hole in it

  13. Small 102425 2f2014 06 10 024919 photo0226

    it makes space for nails to hang

  14. Small 102425 2f2014 06 10 024946 photo0231

    here you get the closer look

  15. Small 102425 2f2014 06 10 025031 photo0233


  16. Small 102425 2f2014 06 10 025054 photo0223

    when everything is done hang it on the wall