Beatles Wallet
I bought the patterns from a store. But you can order the pattern off the site I listed. It also has a more accurate list of materials that you will need. It was tricky since I'm still a novice in sewing. So pay no attention to the time. The bias tape was tricky for me to sew on. But I finally managed. Although the wallet came out more rectangle because I wasn't sure how to make it have curved edges like the pattern had. But I think it came out nice for my first time making it.
MandyCip_93 favorited A Safe Place Wallet 09 Dec 11:36
You Will Need
Kimmyduh posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!
Seattle, Washington, US
28 projects

*scout nubbies*
Chino, California, US
7 projects
really cute! plus you can never go wrong with the beatle